ATS Euromaster: Make it Happen Programme
Turn around our performance
As a result of taking up our Strategy into Performance Model and the adoption of our approach to design and development, the client turned around its sales performance with early sales uplifts of up to 50% . The learning and development team also won the 2010 People Management Award for Excellence in Learning & Development.
“This has made a profound and lasting difference to the way I think, feel and manage…I feel deeply privileged to have been developed in this way and a sense of responsibility to deliver performance as a result.” Programme participant
The challenge
Our client was facing a difficult challenge. With falling revenues and pressure from the global parent company, a three year strategy was developed to turn around the performance of the business in order to avoid serious consequences. Our piece of the challenge was to engage the leaders of the organisation in this turnaround and to develop their capability to deliver it.
The solution
The first intervention was a leader-led strategy launch called “Make it Happen” which engaged the Top 60 in the three year strategy. Led by the CEO and executive team this was the first chance leaders had to get really clear on the strategy and to choose their part in delivering it. We designed the event so that leaders would feel an unprecedented level of engagement and challenge.
Working in a design partnership with the excellent in-house team, we then designed a three module programme that ran over 8-months with the aim of boosting the capability of leaders to ‘lead us back into profit’. We used our Strategy into Performance framework as fundamental guide for leaders which heavily emphasises the role of leaders in defining and upholding the standards of performance that would deliver the strategy.
The first of the three modules focused the leaders on the leadership style that we needed to move to (and away from) in order to lead the business back into profit and encouraging leaders to ‘choose their style’. Leaders learned some rudimentary Transactional Analysis to help them understand their tendencies in the Parent, Adult, Child model as well as getting really familiar with the Strategy into Performance Model and how to use it to help generate ‘Performance Clarity’ and ‘Performance Discipline’. The second of the three modules was a business challenge which simulates cross-organisational working with a high-demand for innovation and leads to business turnaround ideas being submitted to the Board for investment decisions. The third module emboldened the leaders to lead authentically and to inspire their people from the heart.
The result
As a result of taking up our Strategy into Performance Model and the adoption of our approach to design and development, the client turned around its sales performance with early sales uplifts of up to 50% . The learning and development team also won the 2010 People Management Award for Excellence in Learning & Development.
They said
This has made a profound and lasting difference to the way I think, feel and manage. I learned much that will have an impact on both my development and performance and also consequently the results of my team. I feel deeply privileged to have been developed in this way and a sense of responsibility to deliver performance as a result.”
“Real light-bulb moments, exciting, self analysing and stretching. More of this type of development please. Great. Great. Great.”