Workshop: The complete redefinition of leadership – from the ground up

Bringing insight and creativity to leadership development programmes, leadership-team performance, and large-group events continues to be the core of what we do. Nevertheless, other more revolutionary aspects of our work are gaining momentum with advanced organisations.

The majority of organisations are experiencing and describing a shift in how people feel about leadership development and related practices. This shift might best be summed up in a few quotes from senior executives:

“Something else is now needed but we don’t know what it is.”

“We know we don’t want yet another list of ways leaders are supposed to behave.”

“We talk about the leaders in our organisation but it isn’t even clear who they are.”

“It still isn’t clear what is meant by leadership behaviour, even though we have been coming up with definitions for years.”

“The programmes we run are all well and good, and well-received, but nothing really sticks in the long run.”

“Given how long people have been focused on this stuff, the figures reported globally for engagement, alignment, well-being, productivity etc are awful.”

People are beginning to articulate the growing dissatisfaction with leadership and leadership development as it is currently understood and practiced. To be blunt, it simply isn’t feeling credible anymore.

Something different is required, and it is something so different that we have gone back to first principles to develop it.

In this workshop we will bring together a small group of organisation-based practitioners and line-managers to:

  1. Share our research of the relevant literature
  2. Describe a fundamentally different and exceptionally practical approach to delivering leadership
  3. Identify a small group of partner organisations ready to prototype and try it

There is a limit to what can be described here, but in essence our approach entirely rejects the historic focus on ‘leaders’ as the mechanism for delivering leadership – how’s that for heresy! Instead we are describing a more engineered and systemic approach, one that assures leadership outcomes are delivered by design, placing the people who need to benefit from leadership front and centre.

If you feel you may have a need to explore this approach before then, please do call Steven Phillips on 07775 910939 or email at

Go here to book on the workshop.