Entries by Steven Phillips

Performance is NOT Results

An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises said Mae West. Now there is a slim chance that the kind of performance that Mae had in mind wasn’t all that work focused – even if it does occasionally make use of a desk or a photocopier. But she is nevertheless still right about it being […]

Dumbing down?

The Edge Web site posted a question “How is the internet changing the way you think?” and about 169 philosophers, scientists, artists and others replied with short or medium pieces of writing at: http://www.edge.org/q2010/q10_index.html (assuming that you can still be bothered to read as increasingly people are choosing not to get beyond 10 lines of text). Below […]

Agility is More than Another Fad

A very old and awful joke says “…it’s easy to give up smoking. I’ve done it loads of times”. I apologise for even bringing it up, but that is what popped into my head when I thought about clients and OD consultants looking to find the next big thing to implement. We tend to look […]

Leaders versus Leadership

There is still a lot of the ‘Great Man’ approach to leaders around. Investment has been and still is in the personification of ‘leader’ in individuals rather than the phenomenon of leadership in organisations. But might the latter be the less ego-centric future? If you believe Garrett then leadership competence is entirely contextual anyway, so […]